Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Blow's final death

I've been reading about the late Isabella Blow (Isabella Blow by Martina Rink), a fashion champion and tragic figure.  It's a book of farewell letters and memories written by friends and family.  Some of them are beautiful and touching, some smack a bit of guilt for not doing more or being there when the time came, I suppose that's understandable, we all wish we'd done more when it's too late.

As per her dramatic approach to life so it was with death, Blow had attempted to commit suicide previously but without "success" (she jumped off a bridge clad in Prada) until finally she drank weed-killer and that did it.

She sounds like an absolute riot, really naughty and fun.  As one of the book's contributors asks "who could take themselves seriously with a lobster on their head?".

The most haunting image from the book is "Isabella Blow" a piece by Noble and Webster, so macabre, created from dead things - including ravens from The Tower of London - it's a fitting tribute to a lady whose life seems to have been always pointing determinedly towards death.  What a loss to the world.

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